A lot of people wonder what my orientation is. A lot of people also don't understand when I explain it to them. I will try to tell you simply what I like. I like boys. Normal boys. Straight boys. I also like cross dresser, or transvestite boys. They may call them self woman though, and in that case I like women. Every now and then I will see a girl I like but my feelings for girls are not the same as they are for boys (for some tehy are though). I like most all boys, but I only ever like 1/2 as many girls as boys. Usually I only like girls when I have a serious crush on them. With boys I will have a crush of some for just a few days and others I will have a serious crush on just like I do for girls. I find most all cross dressers attractive, It could be a girl who got a sex change but still likes to dress girly, I like them, boy who changes to a girl and dresses girly, I like them too. I like most all T's in the LGBTQ is what I'm trying to say. Unless its a guy who got a sex change to be a woman, then It would just be the same as how I like woman, only about 1/2 as many as boys, if that makes sense. I guess I'm bad at explaining. Anyway, I know what I like. Some people just think bisexual is the best way to desribe that, to them maybe thats what I am, but only I can define me. I am not bisexual, I am not omnisexual, I am not lesbian or stright, the best word I know of to use to define myself is me, or queer. I will accept being me as being just queer. I think that is all. I just like to be appart of the community, even if I cant't have my own letter. Its ok lol. Bye byes
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Zoo Trip

So I went to the San Diego zo with oe of my friends and her friend. It was like fun and stuff, I liked all the animals. I rode on several animals, because thats what I do. Thats really about it. I have a ton more pictures but alof of them have other people in them and I'm not sure if they want to be on my blog of not. I also got a ton of good pictures for refrences for drawing. :)
Polar Bear,
San Diego Zoo,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Prop 8- Fuck it
In my English class I have to do an assignment on a news article of my choice. This morning I chose to write on Prop 8. I read the front page headline blindly, just to get done with my assignment. My English teacher hesitated to tell us about the news in class, he frequently updates us on news from around the world. I sat there I was mad, I had to hear it from someone else so it would set in. I have recently watched some videos I subscribe to on youtube. Now I'm drowning in it. I get to see the protests on TV again. I get to hear the crap from people who are stright but think it matters more to them than to me. They don't know. It's good to have the support don't get me wrong- but why are they so clueless. I don't think I can type any more I need to see what is right. The only thing the news is good for, protests, I get to be in one without being there.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Fuck Horse Isle
Horse Isle can suck my dick. Me saying I'm queer on my profile is not date speek or personal information. Its discrimination. But apparently they accept me but they don't want it there because its date speek. I just don't buy that shit. I can handle the insults, you can call me names, that dosen't matter. Being asked to stop being what I am, I won't take that. I could understand if it sounded like I was looking for someone or was talking about a boy or girl friend, but I wasn't.
Also today I do believe we will find out about Prop 8. Wish me luck.
Also today I do believe we will find out about Prop 8. Wish me luck.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I have been feeling so assured lately. I know that my life choices are right, because I see the what if paths, and I'm glad I did not take them. I only have 3 more months. I recognise that my parents pay for everything for me and I shouldn't upset them. I can wait and I understand that a relationship now will never be serious, so its not worth it, unless its a norm. I realised that sucking up to my parents isnt being true to myself but I also realise I need to make sacrafices now to enjoy life later. I realise that I have made it through another step in a never ending transition, and looking back I knew nothing. I am so happy about who I am and the decisions I have made, I know what kinds of people to talk to and who will understand. Now I'm hungry and I'm going ot go eat macaroni and cheese. See yah!
Friday, May 22, 2009
This is the first time since I've started to blog that I have had a crush on a girl, I'm not all talk about being queer and then never be crushin. She is little, like short and shes cute. I have known her but never really like known her. I really like how she dresses, she has a good sense of fashion. Shes really fun to be around and I just get a good vibe from her. I wish I knew what she liked, but its akward for me to ask people their sexual orientation. I like it better when they tell me. I also went to a thing and saw someone I knew there and we had fun and it was fun then I ate brownies. Yeah lol. Bye
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I don't want to sell my horse. I want to give him away. My mom wants me to sell him, because she wants money, because that is all she cares about. Louie could seriously live in my room while I am at school and be happy, he is that good. I wish it was easier to type a horse for sale add, but I just am not sure what to say, my horse knows everything, but no one would believe that. The people who know him know that though. I need to find someone who rides trail and does english pleasure and wants to jump and do some low key stuff for him. He is old and worn so that is why I dont want him to go to another lesson barn though he could do it. I would rather have him eat grass all day and go into retirement than have him go through a lesson barn. But really he is only 13 years old and full of spunk, hes just old because I want him to be old, so people will treat him nicely and not work him untill he is dead. He just needs to be worked for your fun, not because he needs to be schooled. He never needs schooling. Its just frusterating to me, I want him to go somewhere where someone will be happy with him, and know when its ok to ride him and when its not ok to ride him. Because even if you want to he cant be ridden hard every day in a row, he needs fun days and trail days, days where you practice things that are irrelevant to anything, days where you are in hard core show mode. He needs all that, but I dont know anyone who wants to do all that- who dosent have a trainer and wants a free horse. It sucks.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Why I should be vegan
Today I asked one of my vegan friends why I should be vegan, he told me he didnt want to preach to me, and he did a bad job of it when he tried honestly. I then got thinking why would I be vegan, I dont care about the animals feelings so much. I think its a waste to kill something to acess its goods. What it has come down to for me is the environmental impact of it all. I used to care about the animals that kept me vegetarian, then I asked myself why? I realised I didnt care about the animals, I cared about the efficiany, so I have decided I have my reason for being vegan in the next few months. Eating at a lower trophic level is more efficiant. It still all boils down to my selfishness. I could be vegan, I would be good at it. If I wasn't a vegan it would be a waste of me being here I guess in a way. I still haven't figured it all out yet. I will let you know when I do.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Never felt so right
Things feel so right I'm not ever sure how to put it into words. There was this kid I liked alot, but it was just a crush really, it was ok to like him but that was all. I stoped talking to him for a while because I got really busy with school, but then I started to like him again when things got less busy. Now I really like him, I keep smiling uncontrolably when I think of one time that something happened. But I dont want to tell anyone because that would make it less special to me. Its nothing weird, if I said it you would all think it was stupid, but its special to me.
Also I looked of facebook at who was going to prom and who wans't I know its facebook and stuff but I thought this was intresting. This kid I really liked last year, I think he thought I was a lesbian so he just wanted to be friends. Now this year its alot easier for me to talk to him. Thats a very good thing. I don't like him any more but I really used to care about him, now not so much. But I saw that his girl friend isn't going to prom. That makes me think they broke up, an dthat makes me happy, because his girlfriend was a mean little girl to me when we were in girl scouts together. I'm sure she is nice now but I don't care she was mean to me when we were little, so gr. I would go to prom with him but at the same time that would cause alot of drama llama, so I don't know. Yeah, still things never felt so right, even though ife kindof sucks I'm like a million precent sure I like that first guy I talked about. I don't like the 2nd hes just a cool dude. That was lame cool dude lol. Ok whatever see ya bye.
Also I looked of facebook at who was going to prom and who wans't I know its facebook and stuff but I thought this was intresting. This kid I really liked last year, I think he thought I was a lesbian so he just wanted to be friends. Now this year its alot easier for me to talk to him. Thats a very good thing. I don't like him any more but I really used to care about him, now not so much. But I saw that his girl friend isn't going to prom. That makes me think they broke up, an dthat makes me happy, because his girlfriend was a mean little girl to me when we were in girl scouts together. I'm sure she is nice now but I don't care she was mean to me when we were little, so gr. I would go to prom with him but at the same time that would cause alot of drama llama, so I don't know. Yeah, still things never felt so right, even though ife kindof sucks I'm like a million precent sure I like that first guy I talked about. I don't like the 2nd hes just a cool dude. That was lame cool dude lol. Ok whatever see ya bye.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Its about 30 min after the race, here is my analysis. Rachel Alexandera deserved to win, and though I wouldn't say she ran HER best, she ran the best fo rthe race. I thought Musket Man ran very well. I think that Mine That Bird did ok, and could have done better, but I really think that he could have won had his jockey made some better choices. It seemed like he was just cantering along in a race where the others were running, and I think that had he been making an effort he too could have had a better spot to challenge the filly.
I got shoes for prom today, they are cute and were priced well too, so happy!
I think thats it for now. Bye!
I got shoes for prom today, they are cute and were priced well too, so happy!
I think thats it for now. Bye!
Friday, May 15, 2009
The other day one of my friend wanted to ask me to prom. I could tell and I just told him I was going with friends, because thats what I wanted to do. A few days later he was talking to some girl asking her what to do to ask someone to prom, he didn't use names, I was there, so I knew he was talking about me. I guess he talked to one of my friends who told him that he should make a sign to ask me. I'm trying not to be mad at my friend who told him to do that. Its not that I don't like this kid, hes just really annoying. We went to knotts yesterday SO much fun. He tried to ask me to prom while we were there so not cool.
I went on alot of rides. This kid followed me around the park untill I finally ditched him. Yes I'm mean I dont care, I dont feel guilty or anything. First I stood in line for ghost rider, not worth the line, so I waited of rsilver bullet. I saw a friend in line and cut with them. Then I went on a swing ride that was fun. After that I think we went on la revolucion, and I freaking hated that. Then we went on jaguar. Then we ate some food, went on the log ride, I got wet. After that we went on the calico mine ride thing, thats my favorite ride there lol. we sat in the front of that one ride, I'm drawing a lbank, its fast and its a car ride xcellerator thats it. Then we went on supreme screme, and that was the last ride, we got some food and it was alot of fun. Silver bullet made my head hurt, but I still enjoy it. I enjoy loops, but I prefer non hanging coasters. I want to go on boomerang and that spinning one sierra sidewinder. We didnt go on pony express but I have already been on it many times. I got dippin dots and I fed some birds it was like alot of fun, but my brain hurts. Thats it for now I think ok bye.
I went on alot of rides. This kid followed me around the park untill I finally ditched him. Yes I'm mean I dont care, I dont feel guilty or anything. First I stood in line for ghost rider, not worth the line, so I waited of rsilver bullet. I saw a friend in line and cut with them. Then I went on a swing ride that was fun. After that I think we went on la revolucion, and I freaking hated that. Then we went on jaguar. Then we ate some food, went on the log ride, I got wet. After that we went on the calico mine ride thing, thats my favorite ride there lol. we sat in the front of that one ride, I'm drawing a lbank, its fast and its a car ride xcellerator thats it. Then we went on supreme screme, and that was the last ride, we got some food and it was alot of fun. Silver bullet made my head hurt, but I still enjoy it. I enjoy loops, but I prefer non hanging coasters. I want to go on boomerang and that spinning one sierra sidewinder. We didnt go on pony express but I have already been on it many times. I got dippin dots and I fed some birds it was like alot of fun, but my brain hurts. Thats it for now I think ok bye.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I haven't been here in a while mostly because I have been too busy or lazy to come here and talk. Today I took my APES exam, the FRQs were kind of hard and I didn't have enough time on them, but managed to at least pull something out of my ass. Lasy friday I turned in my AP portfolio, that was pretty fun. Right now I'm doing a mini series of octapi, one is green and all you see is faded tentacles and a faded body. The other is pretty awesome I think, its a red giant pacific octopus attacking a narwhal, I know that wouldn't ever happen irl so its cool. I wanted to do the last one attacking the canvas, but its not really working out that way so I will need to search my brain for new ideas. The last 2 days I just sit on the sofa and the next think I know it's dark out. This is bad for me, so I'm trying really hard not to do it and by typing this right now its preventing me from sleeping. My horse has been good and happy, but I haven't ridden him for 2 days so I hope he is OK today. Yesterday I wanted to ride him, but I just slept. Tomorrow I don't go to school until 12:30 that's pretty cool. I want to go out and eat break feast but I'm not sure I want to make plans and arrange for everyone to meet there. Maybe I'll just paint some more octopuses. Also my econ teachers said I was doing below average of my grade report. I have an A in his class, I can't do better than that, and I'm only there to get an A even though I want to major in econ in addition to environmental, he doesn't teach anything he just spits flem on all of his students. If he is going to do a crap job of teaching I'm going to make no effort to try to learn. If he tried and listened to his students input then ?i would try to adapt to his teaching style, but you know what when I talked to him he didn't do anything, he just kept to his own hard headed ness and that's fine with me, maybe he will feel guilty when he dies, shouldn't be too far away. I just did a quick spell check, my typing sucks today oh well.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Candide's Golden Sheep
All the guides for this quest suck. Seriously. I'm going to show you guys how to do it the RIGHT way. I spend 4 hours on this quest, it's not worth it. I will make it easy for you.
You start this quest by talking to Candide on Eldorado Isle. To get to Eldorado you need to talk to Hudson on Turtle, north of the docks "Hi there Hudson, it says that this is Sara's cabin. Where is she?", "Cool, could I see it?", "Thanks!". He has a sister Sara, visit her. That will take you to Bone Isle. Talk to Sara. She will say.. "Hi, I'm kind of busy making strawberry pie, do you want something?", "Do you make pies often?", "Who's this pie for?", "Yes, please!". Talk to Candide on Eldorado. He will tell you this whole big story.. Now comes the sheep finding. If you have finished the King Phil quests you know you need to get food to Grey Slate, who lives in Carroton Rock Shop. Go to Art Isle and get it. Talk to Grey Slate. Go to Hotzeplotz Isle and talk to King Phil. He will tell you that he will trade you the location of the sheep for a snack from the Art Isle inn. Go to Art Isle and collect his snack, as well as 2 more for Grey Slate. Go back to Carroton and talk to Grey Slate again and have him send you to King Phil. Give King Phil his snack, and then go to the north most palm tree on Hotzeplotz Isle beach. Talk to she sheep. He will not go. You need to talk to Candide to find out what the sheep want. Use the directions from before to get to Eldorado Isle. Candide will give you 12 apples, and tell you the sheep like apple treats. Take any apples you find on the ground from the apple tree on Eldorado Isle. Search for some apples in Treeton/Appleton, or buy them in Appleton. You will need 32 apples total. You will also need 4 Horse Candies. Take these to Carroton and craft 4 apple treats. Talk to Grey Slate again to go to Hotzeplotz Isle. Talk to the sheep. It will follow you. Next you will find the sheep on Crescent Isle. To get there talk to the fisherman who lives in Treeton. He can send you to Loch Isle. From there talk to Davey and ask him how to get off the isle. He will send you to Crescent Isle. Look for the sheep there. I found him on the opposite side of the dock south a hair. Once you have found that sheep you need to fin the sheep that lives on Ardent Isle. Go to Treeton and talk to Temperance. She can send you to Mare Isle. When you arrive on Mare isle dig around the north west corner until you find a tunnel. This will transport you to Palm Isle. Take the boat from Palm Isle to Ardent Isle. The sheep is by a two trunked palm near the bottom of the isle. Once you have gotten that sheep go back to Treeton again. You will need to talk to Galvin. Make sure you have done Nina's Bird Woes quest. Go to Galvin's Isle. Talk to him in his Isle house and ask him to send you to Quiet Isle. Search for Rafiki, Forest Wanderer in the forest on Quiet Isle. He will tell you secrets about where the sheep is. Make sure you dig above the pond while you are there too. Go back to Galvin's cabin in Treeton and talk to him. He will tell you to talk to Nina on Tail Isle. Go to Tail Isle and talk to her. Exit her house south and go left to where the path starts. Use your magnifying glass. Go west directly from Nina's cabin. There will be a one trunked palm tree. Go north along the beach to the 3rd palm tree. The sheep will be there. Return to Candide to receive your 400qp and 40k. Please leave me a message if you have any questions!
You start this quest by talking to Candide on Eldorado Isle. To get to Eldorado you need to talk to Hudson on Turtle, north of the docks "Hi there Hudson, it says that this is Sara's cabin. Where is she?", "Cool, could I see it?", "Thanks!". He has a sister Sara, visit her. That will take you to Bone Isle. Talk to Sara. She will say.. "Hi, I'm kind of busy making strawberry pie, do you want something?", "Do you make pies often?", "Who's this pie for?", "Yes, please!". Talk to Candide on Eldorado. He will tell you this whole big story.. Now comes the sheep finding. If you have finished the King Phil quests you know you need to get food to Grey Slate, who lives in Carroton Rock Shop. Go to Art Isle and get it. Talk to Grey Slate. Go to Hotzeplotz Isle and talk to King Phil. He will tell you that he will trade you the location of the sheep for a snack from the Art Isle inn. Go to Art Isle and collect his snack, as well as 2 more for Grey Slate. Go back to Carroton and talk to Grey Slate again and have him send you to King Phil. Give King Phil his snack, and then go to the north most palm tree on Hotzeplotz Isle beach. Talk to she sheep. He will not go. You need to talk to Candide to find out what the sheep want. Use the directions from before to get to Eldorado Isle. Candide will give you 12 apples, and tell you the sheep like apple treats. Take any apples you find on the ground from the apple tree on Eldorado Isle. Search for some apples in Treeton/Appleton, or buy them in Appleton. You will need 32 apples total. You will also need 4 Horse Candies. Take these to Carroton and craft 4 apple treats. Talk to Grey Slate again to go to Hotzeplotz Isle. Talk to the sheep. It will follow you. Next you will find the sheep on Crescent Isle. To get there talk to the fisherman who lives in Treeton. He can send you to Loch Isle. From there talk to Davey and ask him how to get off the isle. He will send you to Crescent Isle. Look for the sheep there. I found him on the opposite side of the dock south a hair. Once you have found that sheep you need to fin the sheep that lives on Ardent Isle. Go to Treeton and talk to Temperance. She can send you to Mare Isle. When you arrive on Mare isle dig around the north west corner until you find a tunnel. This will transport you to Palm Isle. Take the boat from Palm Isle to Ardent Isle. The sheep is by a two trunked palm near the bottom of the isle. Once you have gotten that sheep go back to Treeton again. You will need to talk to Galvin. Make sure you have done Nina's Bird Woes quest. Go to Galvin's Isle. Talk to him in his Isle house and ask him to send you to Quiet Isle. Search for Rafiki, Forest Wanderer in the forest on Quiet Isle. He will tell you secrets about where the sheep is. Make sure you dig above the pond while you are there too. Go back to Galvin's cabin in Treeton and talk to him. He will tell you to talk to Nina on Tail Isle. Go to Tail Isle and talk to her. Exit her house south and go left to where the path starts. Use your magnifying glass. Go west directly from Nina's cabin. There will be a one trunked palm tree. Go north along the beach to the 3rd palm tree. The sheep will be there. Return to Candide to receive your 400qp and 40k. Please leave me a message if you have any questions!
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