Thursday, June 4, 2009
This brought me to want to share a few points that I think are important for others to see in me.
Everyone is bullied. Some just may not take it to heart like others do. Sometimes people say thats gay, it dosent hurt, other times it does. Some times I take it to heart, other times I don't. One kid in my class said he dosen't think he has ever really been bullied. I was thinking to myself, you don't need to be bullied really good to be bullied, the fast that he said really leads me ot believe that he has been, or else he would have said it confidently.
Another person was talking about how her dad commited suicide, I'm not sure why, she never told us why. He chose to take his own life, and I feel for her, because it affected her. My mother has cancer my freshman and sophmore years, already the hardest years of highschool right? It affected me, I dealt with it. I didn't kill myself over it though. One kid in our class talked about how he tried to jump off his roof to kill himself. The same year he did that I slit my wrists to see if it still hurt. Looking back I used that as an excuse, see if I could still feel the pain. Now I realise it wasn't that, that was just my excuse, so I wouldn't have to say I tried to kill myself. We all go through something hard, and we all deal with it diffrently, your not special because you went through a hard time. Your special because of who it caused you to become as a person.
When I realise dI liked trannies, it wasn't too big of a deal for me. I told everyone openly. Still saying I liked some normal old boy didn't feel right inside, I felt so akward, I felt ore right telling myself I liked girls. Now I still question myself, but I don't hate myself for not knowing. I hated myself for being confused and questioning myself with no answers before. You shouldn't feel bad for me, I don't feel bad for you. I know your pain, in a diffrent way prehaps, or maybe not, we all share it, it is what makes us humans, and people. We all experiance it diffrently, but the pain comes. It's not unique or special, that you wanted to kill yourself. Many people do. It's not special that your gay, bi, queer, trans, or because of the pain that that caused you. Too many people are that to make it that special, your special because that makes you the person you are right now, today.
I hope you understood my point. If not maybe you will understand it some day.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
What I am.
A lot of people wonder what my orientation is. A lot of people also don't understand when I explain it to them. I will try to tell you simply what I like. I like boys. Normal boys. Straight boys. I also like cross dresser, or transvestite boys. They may call them self woman though, and in that case I like women. Every now and then I will see a girl I like but my feelings for girls are not the same as they are for boys (for some tehy are though). I like most all boys, but I only ever like 1/2 as many girls as boys. Usually I only like girls when I have a serious crush on them. With boys I will have a crush of some for just a few days and others I will have a serious crush on just like I do for girls. I find most all cross dressers attractive, It could be a girl who got a sex change but still likes to dress girly, I like them, boy who changes to a girl and dresses girly, I like them too. I like most all T's in the LGBTQ is what I'm trying to say. Unless its a guy who got a sex change to be a woman, then It would just be the same as how I like woman, only about 1/2 as many as boys, if that makes sense. I guess I'm bad at explaining. Anyway, I know what I like. Some people just think bisexual is the best way to desribe that, to them maybe thats what I am, but only I can define me. I am not bisexual, I am not omnisexual, I am not lesbian or stright, the best word I know of to use to define myself is me, or queer. I will accept being me as being just queer. I think that is all. I just like to be appart of the community, even if I cant't have my own letter. Its ok lol. Bye byes
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Zoo Trip

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Prop 8- Fuck it
Monday, May 25, 2009
Fuck Horse Isle
Also today I do believe we will find out about Prop 8. Wish me luck.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Why I should be vegan
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Never felt so right
Also I looked of facebook at who was going to prom and who wans't I know its facebook and stuff but I thought this was intresting. This kid I really liked last year, I think he thought I was a lesbian so he just wanted to be friends. Now this year its alot easier for me to talk to him. Thats a very good thing. I don't like him any more but I really used to care about him, now not so much. But I saw that his girl friend isn't going to prom. That makes me think they broke up, an dthat makes me happy, because his girlfriend was a mean little girl to me when we were in girl scouts together. I'm sure she is nice now but I don't care she was mean to me when we were little, so gr. I would go to prom with him but at the same time that would cause alot of drama llama, so I don't know. Yeah, still things never felt so right, even though ife kindof sucks I'm like a million precent sure I like that first guy I talked about. I don't like the 2nd hes just a cool dude. That was lame cool dude lol. Ok whatever see ya bye.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I got shoes for prom today, they are cute and were priced well too, so happy!
I think thats it for now. Bye!
Friday, May 15, 2009
I went on alot of rides. This kid followed me around the park untill I finally ditched him. Yes I'm mean I dont care, I dont feel guilty or anything. First I stood in line for ghost rider, not worth the line, so I waited of rsilver bullet. I saw a friend in line and cut with them. Then I went on a swing ride that was fun. After that I think we went on la revolucion, and I freaking hated that. Then we went on jaguar. Then we ate some food, went on the log ride, I got wet. After that we went on the calico mine ride thing, thats my favorite ride there lol. we sat in the front of that one ride, I'm drawing a lbank, its fast and its a car ride xcellerator thats it. Then we went on supreme screme, and that was the last ride, we got some food and it was alot of fun. Silver bullet made my head hurt, but I still enjoy it. I enjoy loops, but I prefer non hanging coasters. I want to go on boomerang and that spinning one sierra sidewinder. We didnt go on pony express but I have already been on it many times. I got dippin dots and I fed some birds it was like alot of fun, but my brain hurts. Thats it for now I think ok bye.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Candide's Golden Sheep
You start this quest by talking to Candide on Eldorado Isle. To get to Eldorado you need to talk to Hudson on Turtle, north of the docks "Hi there Hudson, it says that this is Sara's cabin. Where is she?", "Cool, could I see it?", "Thanks!". He has a sister Sara, visit her. That will take you to Bone Isle. Talk to Sara. She will say.. "Hi, I'm kind of busy making strawberry pie, do you want something?", "Do you make pies often?", "Who's this pie for?", "Yes, please!". Talk to Candide on Eldorado. He will tell you this whole big story.. Now comes the sheep finding. If you have finished the King Phil quests you know you need to get food to Grey Slate, who lives in Carroton Rock Shop. Go to Art Isle and get it. Talk to Grey Slate. Go to Hotzeplotz Isle and talk to King Phil. He will tell you that he will trade you the location of the sheep for a snack from the Art Isle inn. Go to Art Isle and collect his snack, as well as 2 more for Grey Slate. Go back to Carroton and talk to Grey Slate again and have him send you to King Phil. Give King Phil his snack, and then go to the north most palm tree on Hotzeplotz Isle beach. Talk to she sheep. He will not go. You need to talk to Candide to find out what the sheep want. Use the directions from before to get to Eldorado Isle. Candide will give you 12 apples, and tell you the sheep like apple treats. Take any apples you find on the ground from the apple tree on Eldorado Isle. Search for some apples in Treeton/Appleton, or buy them in Appleton. You will need 32 apples total. You will also need 4 Horse Candies. Take these to Carroton and craft 4 apple treats. Talk to Grey Slate again to go to Hotzeplotz Isle. Talk to the sheep. It will follow you. Next you will find the sheep on Crescent Isle. To get there talk to the fisherman who lives in Treeton. He can send you to Loch Isle. From there talk to Davey and ask him how to get off the isle. He will send you to Crescent Isle. Look for the sheep there. I found him on the opposite side of the dock south a hair. Once you have found that sheep you need to fin the sheep that lives on Ardent Isle. Go to Treeton and talk to Temperance. She can send you to Mare Isle. When you arrive on Mare isle dig around the north west corner until you find a tunnel. This will transport you to Palm Isle. Take the boat from Palm Isle to Ardent Isle. The sheep is by a two trunked palm near the bottom of the isle. Once you have gotten that sheep go back to Treeton again. You will need to talk to Galvin. Make sure you have done Nina's Bird Woes quest. Go to Galvin's Isle. Talk to him in his Isle house and ask him to send you to Quiet Isle. Search for Rafiki, Forest Wanderer in the forest on Quiet Isle. He will tell you secrets about where the sheep is. Make sure you dig above the pond while you are there too. Go back to Galvin's cabin in Treeton and talk to him. He will tell you to talk to Nina on Tail Isle. Go to Tail Isle and talk to her. Exit her house south and go left to where the path starts. Use your magnifying glass. Go west directly from Nina's cabin. There will be a one trunked palm tree. Go north along the beach to the 3rd palm tree. The sheep will be there. Return to Candide to receive your 400qp and 40k. Please leave me a message if you have any questions!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Try this again.
Also theres some swine flu shit going on. Some stupid girl in one of my classes asked what the symptoms of swine flu where. I'm like wow your not very intelligent are you? Its the same as the common flu stop listening to the news. Thats it, I will rant more aobut the swine flu later.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Grasshopper Rescuer
Monday, April 20, 2009
Oprah and my garden
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Flat Iron
1. It takes too long
2. I don't have time to do it in the morning before I leave
3. I don't have time to do it at night after I shower
4. I can't think of a good number 4 worthy reason to go here
5. It takes a million years for my hair to dry, so even if I did have time to flat iron it, I would be spending that time letting it dry
6. If I want to blow dry my hair, it takes 30 min, and even then its still wet and gets really poofy and scary, this one goes with number 5
7. I can't for the life of me seperate my hair into managable pieces because its so damn thick
8. Once I start to flat iron my hair, I never know when to stop so I spend 2 hours doing it
9. Even after I flat iron my hair theres always some section that is wavey and dosen't match
10. When I do flat iron my hair people like to touch it because its something diffrent to them, and then it gets all gross
Now with my new hair cut I look scary with its natural waves, and the Mr. Bangel Monsters don't like it either. Mr. Bangel Monsters is the name of my bangs. My friend picked out that name, because I couldn't think of a worthy name for them that wasn't already like fred, or bob or something like that. I wish I could call them steve, but I already have a thing named steve. Yes!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Peach Juice?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I talk to myself and I think its O.K.
I swear the more you talk to yourself the healthier of a person you are.
Oh and also, my screen name on some places is Lawnbeaver and recently I've been wanting to tell everyone I'm a sad beaver, but like I can't say that in public so it makes me more sad. I'm a sad beaver.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009 Review
Still Ponybox has a few flaws, like waiting 20 days to have your 'stud account' upgraded to access all the features. Sure you can pay the extra money for instant gratification, but if you don't even know if your going to like the game why would you pay up? Seriously this review is getting ridiculously long, waiting 20 days might seem like forever, but in reality its over quick, and gets you introduced to the game so your not completely confused when you first start. Other than these things Ponybox is a horse sim game, own, feed, breed, show, all the stuff any horse sim should have. Plus on top of that is has features for every type of member. If your an artist like myself there is a sister site to upload your work, if your a writer you can join the Creative Writing group, or if you just want to show off your horse then you can put up pictures on the About Me part of your profile. At first I though I was going to write a negative review, because that's what I'm best at... I think, but right now I can't think of anything seriously bad about As I'm comparing it to other sims I play or once played its the best, bottom line.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
This one dosen't like me
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Cute Cupcakes!
Other than that I went to the mall and the food court there is scary. It's on the 2nd floor and the ground shakes, it freaks me out each time. I wonder how thick the ground is in there because when a little kid walks by it shakes the ground enough to feel it. I get really afraid when I eat there, or just walk through in general. So I though it would be fun to see how much the ground could shake, right..? I walked away from my table and jumped up and down really hard and the table started to shake and the drink started to splash around. I think the floor is like 2 feet thick, and it shakes and holds up over weight people who walk around the mall though. Anyway when I did that just about everyone in the food court started to stare, but like what some girl jumping up and down isn't that odd to see- get over it people. I don't stare when people do something strange I join in, usually.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Horse Isle
Also spell check says derogative is spelled wrong, but it's not.. is it?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Little Kids Clothing & Money
Also I really like little kids clothes. I am pretty tall in case you don't know, I am 5'9ish, and I love to wear little kids clothes, so where they still fit, it's just that the arms come up about 1/2 way on a long sleeve sweater, and my tummy always shows. I'm not sure why I like to wear little kids clothes, but I don't think I'm the only one. One of my friends likes to dress like a little kid, but shes little and looks normal in little kids clothes, like clothes from Gymboree. I get really jealous that I can wear light up sneakers any more, am I the only one who wishes they could still do these things?
Also this blog is yesterdays, I had it all typed out, and I just forgot to click the little publish button, so I'm stupid I guess.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Money and Little Kids Clothes
Also I really like little kids clothes. I am pretty tall incase you don't know, I am 5'9ish, and I love to wear little kids clothes, so where they still fit be around, they show my tummy
Also, right now it's 4/13/09, and I realise dI must have never published this blog, so I will now, and in addition to that, I rembember why I probably never got around to doing that. I typed this blog 3 times and each time it got deleted, and so I got fed up, but here it is now! It's not that exciting other than I feel like I'm talking to myself!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Also Alfonzo officially gets to come live at my house over spring break, I'm excited, hes so cute, when I peep at him he peeps back and he follows my hand all around his little Tupperware bin that he lives in. Plus it's not like I'll be doing anything else exciting over the break, except driving up to Nor Cal to look at schools, that's usually moderately fun though.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Alfonzo & Greensburg
Now about Greensburg...
So, Greensburg has it's own T.V. show on Discovery's Planet Green, basically about how the city of Greensburg rebuilds green after a tornado hits. I really don't understand why the people who live there don't get it. A tornado hit you, go move somewhere else. Please do not go on your little T.V. show and cry about how your home was destroyed. You chose to live right smack dab in the middle of tornado alley, you should be expecting tornadoes all the time, especially during tornado season. The shit they put on T.V., it doesn't help that none of them know anything about being green, but I suspect it should be good that they are learning about it, they can make a difference right? Well not really, because you see, their homes are destroyed, and then they rebuild green, they might be smart enough to build green, but sure aren't smart enough to do the easiest thing... move where there are no tornadoes to destroy your effin house. I live on a fault, there are earthquakes. I expect them, I'm thinking about when the next one will occur constantly. We get them about as frequently as tornado alley gets a tornado that can do damage. The difference is, we only get an earthquake big enough to destroy a home every 10, 15, or more years, people will remodel by then anyway. Greensburg gets hit quite a bit, by big tornadoes from what I've seen. More frequently than houses should be remodeled. Yeah so basically Greensburg is a waste of time, energy, and a waste of human lives. Those people could be doing real work instead of just sitting around farming and waiting for the next tornado.
Yeah, blah blah, I could be eating the crops they harvest blah blah blah.... But not really.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
PonyBox, Back in Business