Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Try this again.

So I tried to log onto my this thing the other day and I couldn;t rembember my pass word and gave up thinking I would post a blog the next day. The next day I got a migrane, and the ducks won their series against San Jose wooh! Then the otjher day I don't know what was up but yeah finally here I am because I have so many people who read my blog! Today I got into a fist fight with my brother, and its on tape because my mom thought it would be fun to instigate us. Basically I hit my brother with my shoes a few times good on the hands, and then my mom told him to get me back and so he did and I got him pretty good. At one point my mom told me to stop fighting because I was going to hurt myself. She dosen't know anything... I'll be so happy when she is gone I really get along well with my brother but my mom is the one I could live without. Basically my mom asked my brother to study, and he thinks hes all cool and stuff so played on his itouch instead of studying. Then he thought he was a bigger BAMF and turned on that silent ring tone. I asked him nicely to stop 3 times then he started ot laugh at me and made up some story about how I was really the one who plays the ring tone or some lame crap like that. I tried to explain to my mom and she was supporting my brother.. he disobeyed her and me, yet she was still on his side so I decided he needed a good whopping. I'm not a violent person really- I can be but I don't want to get hurt, I love my body, and I don't want to make a stupid decision that will hurt it.

Also theres some swine flu shit going on. Some stupid girl in one of my classes asked what the symptoms of swine flu where. I'm like wow your not very intelligent are you? Its the same as the common flu stop listening to the news. Thats it, I will rant more aobut the swine flu later.

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